Frequently Asked Questions
WHY is baptism necessary for the believer? It is the way Christians publicly announce their faith in Jesus Christ.
WHO should be baptized? Only those who have by their own free will put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Those who understand that baptism is a picture of what Christ has done in their lives.
WHERE is it done? Fellow Christians should publicly baptize new believers in front of other followers of Christ wherever they gather. At our church that means fathers baptizing children, leaders baptizing people in their life groups, or our pastors baptizing new believers.
WHEN is baptism done? As is the case in the New Testament, new believers should follow through with baptism as soon as they have trusted Jesus as their Savior. Acts 2:41, 8:36, 16:14-15
WHAT is stopping you? Philip shared the story of Jesus Christ with a man from Ethiopia in Acts 8:36. After the man believed in Jesus, he wanted to stop and be baptized right away. If you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, you should ask the same question the Ethiopian asked, “Look, here is water, why shouldn’t I be baptized?”
Are you READY?
We would love to see you follow through with your faith by proclaiming that Jesus is your Lord through baptism.
If you are interested in getting baptized or even just have some questions, fill out the form below. We can’t wait to get to talk to you more and answer any question you have.
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